Change your windows - Tips - Demiratus

The choice of windows its important and must be done with reflection. Good windows will contribute to the sound and heat insulation of your home.

It will be necessary to determine at first your needs and the role of the window in the room:

  • Thermic confort
  • sound insulation
  • security
  • ventilation

Consider the specificity of each room, their orientation to the sun, your habits and outside noise.

which material to choose?

Wood window: classic but effective, natural insulation, many colors possible, will require regular maintenance.

Aluminum window: simple maintenance, possibility to choose the shape and the color.

PVC window: good insulation, no special maintenance, good price, little choice of color.

You can also opt for mixed windows with aluminum exterior and wood or PVC interior.

apart from material and color, you can choose the style of opening your windows while respecting the aesthetics of the room, ease of use and security.